Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji – 07

Now this is more what I’m talking about. The pacing of this episode was quite a bit faster than the previous episodes and the amount of times where this series kept repeating itself has greatly decreased. On the other hand, though, the creators have somehow managed to stretch turn 8 minutes into twenty of them, but it’s not like we couldn’t expect this. I also liked the arrival of Mr. X. I’ve got a faint idea of who he is: the guy who tricked the old man in the beginning, though why the heck he didn’t do anything with his three scissors is beyond me. Was he perhaps hoping for when only three other cards are left? It indeed seems like this arc will be over in two episodes. If I had to guess, then the first half of the next episode takes care of Funai, while there still is an episode and a half left for the mysterious Mr. X. And I really liked Funai in this episode. He really developed, and we got to see another side of his now that his plans have failed. I really wonder how Kaiji is going to come up with a sure-fire way to win. Surely he can’t rely just on the 50/50 chance, can’t he? Then there’s also the matter that he and his companions need to end with an even amount of cards. And I do wonder… if Kaiji wins he should have the right amount of stars left. How will Mr. X fit into this picture?]]>

0 thoughts on “Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji – 07

  1. im just guessing, he’s going to have to let go of ONE or BOTH of his companions in the end… that would be really evil of him, but it’s an awesome twist…

  2. I’m loving this anime so much, even more than Akagi! I can’t wait to see if he backstabs his friends after his display of loyalty when Funai tempted him earlier. I want to see Funai totally crushed!

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