Mushishi – 19

A guy from an relatively rich family falls in love with the nanny of his little brother (at least, I assume it’s his little brother. It’s at least a baby-member of the rich family). This nanny gets to play the victim this time. She’s a person who can see certain types of mushi, she sees a mushi in the form of a thread hanging from the sky, grabs it and flies off into the air. Then she falls down to earth again, trees break her fall, but she becomes a pseudo-mushi. Eventually, she’s partially saved by Ginko who runs into her. In order to totally save her, the guy needs to make her give the will to remain human. Well, let’s just say he fails. After a little rant from Ginko’s side, we get to see a very enjoyable ending.

Even though this was an enjoyable Mushishi episode, it just remained enjoyable. Nothing more nothing less. It wasn’t anything special like the previous episodes. I did like the ending, however. It seems like Mushishi has the handicap of always delivering a great (or even better) ending for each episode.

0 thoughts on “Mushishi – 19

  1. I didn’t think this episode was just enjoyable…it was more than that. I love Mushishi; it’s a brilliant anime. This episode dealt with true love. You have a guy who liked the girl nanny, yet his parents and the village disapprove of her once she disappeared and came back. She was also disapproved because she was different for seeing mushis. He isn’t man enough at first because he couldn’t disregard his parents’ and the villagers’ comments. He was afraid of her and didn’t believe her when she first came back; therefore, he didn’t love her as much as she had thought. That made her disappear because he couldn’t accept her. When Ginko told him about that, the guy finally realized that loving her was all that matter and he didn’t care for others’ opinions. The episode ended so well when he bravely marry her when she wasn’t seen and live with her. His actions prove a strong love that she came back.

  2. I feel the same way as commentor above.

    May not have been the best but it was still very much enjoyable, especially the ending. For some reason, my heart felt very bittersweet, especially when he wasn’t sure how to offer the ceremonial cup. He was trying to be thoughtful, sweet, and loving.

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