Anime 2 Manga's Blog Master of 2007 Award

I can still hardly believe it, but it seems that Star Crossed has finally won itself an award. The people from Anime 2 Manga have turned one year old today, and with that they gave out an award for the “Blogging Master of 2007”. I must say, congratulations on turning one year old, and thanks for the award. 🙂 I also love the banner, by the way, and how it consists out of some of the screenshots I made in the past. Some of them are actually quite old, and I’m surprised that Darren (who I assume photoshopped it) managed to dig it up. I especially like how the teddy-bear from Master of Epic was included. ^_^]]>

0 thoughts on “Anime 2 Manga's Blog Master of 2007 Award

  1. Congrats!I was gonna say something but they sum it up better than i could
    “We believe that he’s the most dedicated blogger to anime, he updates regularly and often before everyone else. He also braves watching unsubbed episodes to bring us the freshest episode synopsis and thoughts. I also read every one of his monthly rankings and believe me, he’s probably THE most thorough of any of the blogs out there. No one can surpass psgel’s awesome hardwork and diligence. Here’s to psgels! Psgels embodies true dedication and that deserves RESPECT, bitches.”

  2. congrats man, i’ve been a fan of urs for about a year now and i believe ive stopped by every day since. i wonder what my first post here was? i know i posted more on ur shout box. well its been great, and i’ll still be around!

  3. its also great to know that i’ve been immortalized on ur top 10 page heading!! thanks for the reps and that was AWESOME

  4. Actually, I photoshopped that :). I troll your blog a lot and I collected the screenshots both because it’s easier doing it that way and because it’s more of a tribute.

  5. Btw, the teddy bear and panda was Amanda’s idea because we were like “psgels watches those shows” and we thought throwing that in the banner would be funny.

  6. Great job! You have excellent taste in anime, and your posts are far more insightful than on any other anime blog.
    Keep on going, we support you…

  7. Congratulations, and you’re welcome ^_^ Your blog is one of my favorites since you cover the good shows that too often no one else seems to be watching. Thanks for doing such great work! (Yup, you have a lot of fans over at A2M ^^)

  8. Congrats psgel you really deserve this, admittedly I only visit 2 blogs with any regularity but you work hard regardless. I think you do a great job in turning viewers, and who knows maybe the odd fansubber, onto the more under-appreciated series.

  9. Congratulations! You totally deserve it! You’re one of the few people who watch anime for its quality instead of what’s the most popular and you’ve introduced to me a whole lot of lesser known anime (but still brillant) that I would’ve never known without you!

  10. Sorry for double posting, but apparently there’s going to be another World Masterpiece Theater production starting in January 😀 Apparently (according to an AnimeSuki poster) it’s based on Les Orphelins de Simitra by Paul-Jacques Bonzon.

  11. Congratulations psgels! You really deserve it. And like most people, I really enjoy reading your insights on various animes, and I admire how you venture on covering under-appreciated shows which deserves more attention than other popular series out there 🙂

  12. Yeah… to tell ya the truth, this blog inspired me. The quality of the posts, the organization, the clear opinion and analysis… You are THE man, man!
    I am trying to do a blog similar to this in portuguese and i hope i can some day be as good as you.
    Well earned award, congratulations and keep up with the awesome work! Kanpai!!!

  13. Congratulations! .. even If I have been lurking (lol) in your blog just recently, I can say that this is a very much deserved award .. I only visit two blogs regularly and this is one of them .. Good luck and more power to you and Star Crossed.

  14. man you definetly deserved it buddy, i found some great new animes looking @ your reviews and recocmenadations. Most of the animes that ive seen on here are my favoties ^__^ well congrats! and well once on agian u deserved it !!! ^__^

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