Gundam 00 – 03

For now, I’m happy enough with this series. My biggest fear was that it would go down the same path of Code Geass, though at this point I’ve yet to find any hints that that would be the case. There isn’t one party that’s just pure evil, hundreds of innocent citizens aren’t killed in an attempt to evoke sympathy, the fights are short and sweet and there are no hints that two childhood friends will end up against each other. The director of Full Metal Alchemist and Ooedo Rocket hasn’t disappointed so far. Right now, this series is just building up. The Celestial Beings first need to build up some kind of success before the real meat of the series can come. I’m also dying to know some of the background behind the different characters. How did they end up where they ended up? How come the Celestial Beings waited 200 years before acting? What I like so far is how all the four Gundam Pilots have different opinions about the war. Not bad, for only three episodes. Ireland may have gotten a bit more development before the declaration of peace, though. It’s a bit of a pity that the creators only used wars that have been going on for more than hundreds of years, and it would have been more interesting to see the leaders of the terrorists, to make their actions a bit more believable. This episode also explains why the two students we’ve been seeing occasionally will be important: the guy is Setsuna’s next-door neighbour and the girl is this guy’s girlfriend. The guy furthermore lives with his sister, who is investigating the Celestial Beings. The guy especially will without a doubt be responsible for a large amount of character-development on Setsuna’s side. It’s a bit predictable, but if the creators carry this a bit further, things could become quite interesting. Then there’s also the old Gundam Models which were left behind. The Celestial Beings must be very confident to just leave clues like that behind, which could give the enemy more advantages in battles.]]>

0 thoughts on “Gundam 00 – 03

  1. i don’t see any motive why you should suspect that gundam 00 will go the same path as code geass(btw i liked that anime),the whole concept of gundam is different from cg (even though it has changed a bit from the original one),or maybe because they are produced by the same company,but sunrise is a long lasting one,maybe one of the best,that has made a lot of sci-fi anime and almost none resemble the other
    i only said this because i think u mentioned this once or twice before

  2. Old Gundam models??? I think I missed that…Care to refresh my memory? Thanks.
    By the way, I love this series. It kind of has the same excitement that Wing had. I agree it’s building up. I just hope it gets better.

  3. I’m not sure if it were actual gundams, but remember when the blond guy was with that machine, abandoned in a hangar in the middle of nowhere? That’s the one I was talking about.

  4. Ah yes, that was not a Gundam. It was a detachable missile bay that carried the space fighter Gundam’s missiles when it bombed that base (episode 2). It was detached from the Gundam after it transformed and they picked it up.
    It’s just one of the disposable payload attachments to that particular Gundam. They were analyzing the material and mentioned that their regular mecha cannot even carry one of the missile types it had while the Gundam was able to carry dozens of it.

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