Bleach – 72

Today, Ichigo&co fight off a bunch of gigantic blue slime blobs. Yes, I refuse to believe that that was actually water. The viscosity was just way too high, and not to mention very badly animated. Anyway, the way the creators introduced these blobs was very creative. After all, you don’t suspect a leaking faucet for being evil. It’s a neat trick that the creators managed to perform: start with something totally common, and then mess it up enough so it becomes totally uncommon. The contrast created by this gives a nice effect.

These fights also prove that the Bleach-cast is as dumb as a pig’s behind. After all, the cores of the dolls are clearly visible. It’s obvious that without these, the dolls would be nothing, otherwise they wouldn’t be there. What do Ichigo and the others do? Right, they try to cut the water, in an attempt to stop it. Not once, not twice, not trice, but they just keep going and going, attacking it without the slightest use of their head…

I did like Ichigo’s idea with the lighter and the tube filled with gas. Even before you see the results, you can already predict that something’s about to go horribly wrong. The creators managed to assimilate this very neatly into the story.

The bad guys themselves are just horribly boring. Nothing but two-dimensional characters, brought in for the sake of being brought in.

0 thoughts on “Bleach – 72

  1. Well, I agree with you that the Bleach cast is being fairly retarded (I actually wasn’t going to pick up the episode until I read your review and thought it was funny), but Rukia (and then Renji) did kind of evaporate the whole thing, and you would’ve expected the blast spell to screw the little bottlecap over. Plus, if Ichigo and Renji can throw themselves down elevator shafts, you think they would’ve just jumped out the *window* (everyone) from the very beginning.. rather than slashing up elevator doors. But maybe that’s just me.

    Why was Ichigo smiling when talking to Ishida in the beginning? He had the -scariest- happy face I’ve ever seen.

    On the animation of water: check out when Orihime opens the door and the water slushes in, and she gets wet. (And then starts sneezing.) Not only does Ichigo just sit there in the water and not move in the slightest, but the water doesn’t ripple at all when flowing over him or the other people standing in it. Crappiest water animation, *ever*.

  2. Hmmm, yeah. That shows that those little bottlecaps can indeed take a few blows. I wonder, though, what happens if someone cuts them directly. The impact should be bigger than with the blast spell, especially in Ichigo’s case.

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