Shingeki no Kyojin – 08

So yeah, the spring season is the worst spring season we’ve had in a decade when you look at the overall amount of series and the diversity. However, there IS definitely something interesting going on here, and that is how much praise I notice on Shingeki no Kyojin. I mean, it really stands head and shoulders above all other series that are even remotely action-oriented this season, and really: I believe that this series both gives a new spin to the action genre, and most importantly: it’s a great series to introduce people new to anime with. I feel that this is the type of series that really gives anime its good name, and shows what can be possible in this medium.

This was the episode that I had been waiting for since the start of the series. What happened in this episode really made me a fan of Shingeki no Kyojin in the manga, and I’m excited to see how right they got it! I mean blahblah, it was to be expected that Eren wasn’t dead and all, but that’s not the point. What was so amazing here is how this series developed its atmosphere. Up till the previous episode, the characters looked completely screwed. There was no hope. And then that giant started fighting back. This episode developed what that meant: if used properly, this would be the only chance for humanity to actually survive. The delivery would have been everything: the atmosphere needed to be tight, the action needed to be awesome. Otherwise these emotions would just come off as shallow, since Shingeki no Kyojin basically is about a bunch of characters, struggling for their lives against almost certain death.

The start of Shingeki no Kyojin indeed is a bit bland, mostly due to the characters only having one side when they start out. Here though, with every episode this show starts to push the boundaries of them (Jean in particular was hit hard in this episode). That’s another big part of what made this so addictive.

One detail also that stands out here: the giants don’t make any sounds, aside from that Eren-giant. It did not stand out at all in the manga, but obviously a very important detail in the anime. And really, I am glad that they didn’t try to give most of the giants a voice. It makes them all the more creepier.
Rating: 6/8 (Awesome)

17 thoughts on “Shingeki no Kyojin – 08

  1. You’re wrong, the titans do make sounds. In episode 7, one of them tarted yelling at Eren before they fought.

  2. This ep was basically what I expected and I’m neither upset nor impressed, but I’m not looking forward to the next one. If that preview is any indication, this series may only end up novel for its basic premise, and that saddens me. But hey, lowering my expectations has worked so far, so I’ll keep hoping for the best. At least they’re still animating the hell out of the fight scenes.

  3. To be honest Kyojin was pretty damn dry at first. I didn’t really know what to expect, but sure enough it turned out to be pretty epic. I hear that the story plot wise is being told a little differently than the manga, but whatever they are doing it’s working well for the anime.

    As of right now Kyojin is definitely a good starter anime. There are plenty of characters, people die, and it feels genuine. I don’t find myself with any complaints, other than wanting more episodes.

    1. Nope,till now they have not diverged from the plot. They have only included additional scenes which build up the characters, and which of course is needed. If the anime is a carbon copy of the manga, then there would be no fun for people who read the manga to watch the anime.

      The biggest challenge which the anime will face is to execute it properly to the finish. There is no way that the anime is not getting an original ending, and with experience, anime original endings suck.

      1. There is a reason I avoid manga, it just wouldn’t be the same watching an anime with manga knowledge beforehand.

        Are you sure about an OE? If such is the case, I may as well drop Kyojin right, however I don’t think this will be the case. At least I hope not.

        1. I seriously doubt there will be an original ending. The manga has been selling really well for a while, the anime is at the top of everything this season in preorders, and they’ve already included subtle foreshadowing of reveals there is no way they will get far enough to cover in 25 episodes. Plus, manga panels in the OP, for what it’s worth. I wouldn’t expect another series for more than a year after this finishes though. It’s a monthly manga and it’s not near the end so they’ll need to wait.

  4. Loved this episode. The reunion at the end is easily one best in the series and well worth the build up for it.

  5. I agree that this is a good starter anime, but DAMN for someone who’s been watching anime, I’m getting my mind blown over here. After watching so many you just have this structure or an idea of what’ll happen, so I started watching this expecting it to be some good action-flick, boy was I wrong. Seriously, what a spectrum of emotions I’m dealing with; they have heart-felt moments, hopeless situations, a pinch of comedy and now I feel invigorated by these new turn of events. This anime has turned me around 180 degrees and it’s hard to pay attention to any other shows.

  6. I follow the manga weekly and in this particular episode, SOOOOO much foreshadowing was given. I can’t believe I missed it! I mean its hidden in plain sight! Absolutely genius! Then again, the manga doesn’t stress facial features and gestures as much as the anime does. 10/10 episode definitely

  7. I agree on the fact that it’s a good starter anime, simply because it’s better than the lot of overhyped shounen there are.

    However, for any experienced anime watcher, it always tends to be too predictable, as everything serves the purpose of being ‘epic’ and dramatic to the utmost.

    Like, all that drama about the main character ‘dying’ in ep 5? Not a single fuck was given, since it was so stupidly obvious that he would come back in no time, as he is the main character.

    Okay, this show is all about epicness, and as much as overused that term is, they still do a pretty good job making it attractive for the lot of you. Gotta respect that.

  8. The last two episodes have been the best of the series yet for me. I liked the action scenes but appart from that, I couldn’t stand the over-the-topness of everything. Plus, I was tired of seeing nobodys getting eaten. I get the fact that the situation is really dangerous, but that meant that everytime someone had one line and no name, they were gonna die soon (although I’m surprised that freckles face is still alive).

    I’m liking where they’re taking the different characters and the atmosphere is heading in a good direction now. My main problem with the first few episodes was Eren, so I’m hoping he’ll be less annoying now that he came back.

  9. So everybody ran out of gas immediately upon reaching the supply station? Or their gear magically doesn’t work indoors?

    Okay, so apparently the manga has a lot of fans. But aside from the training episode, I thought most issues lie with the source material and not with the execution. At least, that’s as far as I can guess without having seen the manga.

    All that said, it’s sure better than most of what’s out there, especially this season.

    1. It makes sense not to use 3DMG indoors as there wouldn’t be enough space to move freely. The supply room was large enough to fit several 3-4m titans, but I think they need a lot more room to swing around properly.

      1. I don’t mean for them to go nuts like they do outdoors. You don’t need to go all Spider Man to use the gear at all. Connie and Sasha really could’ve used the gas to get away after they screwed up (or the others to either hit the Titans or get closer, gain enough elevation to hit the weak spot while rescuing them). You’d think that at least one person should’ve taken in the gear as a contingency plan, unless all the gas was really out.

        Anyway, odds of all the titans slowly walking up to the platform and getting there at the same time is pretty unrealistic too.

  10. Have not read the manga but I understand that the anime has so far been following the manga thoroughly. I am quite satisfied with the anime from character-study perspective, but am sadly dissatisfied with the combat survival skills & level of intelligence the human characters have against the Titans.

    Even if they cannot win by slaughtering the Titans, It’s not hard to come up with tricks or other techniques to at least free yourself from the Titan’s grasp especially when your life is at stake. It was quite obvious that the humans have intelligence capabilities to fight against Titans – look at the strategy in Episode 9. Sadly the humans are not thinking enough to preserve military strength, which should be their No 1 Priority

    Titans have the same weakness as humans – they need their limbs to work. It is also just a simple logic of teamwork. If there are only a few Titans attacking a few soldiers, teams should get together to disable the Titans by peeling off their limbs! This would be a piece of cake if they are already grabbing a few soldiers (and before tearing them apart), because when your predator has its limbs fixed upon a prey, he has no more hands to defend himself against outside attacks

    If the anime is really whole heartedly following the manga, then I think the manga did not maximize the potential as a battle manga. Unless the whole point of the manga is not on the combat survival perspective (Claymore, which is very similar in terms of setting, has better creativity because the characters used their brains more)

  11. manga fans will hate my message no doubt, what I am essentially saying is it would have been more satisfying to me if the manga showed more that the humans were trying to think out of the box to save themselves / comrades. Or at least the army provide them some means for survival tips. Dont forget These people are soldiers fighting against very big, and relatively fewer in number, Foes, so I find it unrealistic that all of them felt powerless and just do nothing instead of having the mindset of ‘lets try something at least its worth a shot’ when their lives are at stake.

    And even if those attempts failed and still many casualties / eaten by Titans, at least the manga showed that they tried.

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