Hataraku Maou-Sama – 03

Hataraku Maou-sama’s third episode was clever: on one hand it was cliched, but on the other hand most of it was saved because you knew that something was going on, and hinted at previously. That turned a simple date into something intriguing. And at the end of the episode we still don’t know whatever the hell that was.

Having said that though, this episode was a bit of a step back in the comedy. It’s not that it was bad, it just wasn’t as good (the first two episode had some very witty writing). Still, I laughed. Emilia’s stalking and not being subtle about it whatsoever was probably the funniest.

The most notable part of this episode was the ending, though. On one hand it’s good, on the other hand questionable. I really like how there is change: Maou doesn’t just have none of his powers for the biggest part of the series: this changes. That’s very good. What I don’t understand is that he suddenly really got out of characters. Emilia also found it strange and all, but I still want some explanation on how some evil demon overlord has suddenly gotten so passionate about saving people. And don’t give me that harem crap.
Rating: 5/8 (Great)

20 thoughts on “Hataraku Maou-Sama – 03

  1. I may end up regretting saying that, but until now with 3 epis clocked, for me this is the best series of the season! Is it the one with most potential? Certainly not, but unrealeased potential is as bad as shit execution, probably worse with all the drama of shattered hopes and angry emos.

    Anyways keep it up Maou-Sama.

    1. yeah, thought the same thing. this show has pretty good execution. wasn’t a fan of gargantia’s 3rd episode due to preachiness. valvrave is blegh and shingeki is okay but super melodramatic. sigh. oh well…we’ll see.

  2. Well, here’s what I think:
    For the first time ever, Maou had to live with humans. He made a friend: Chi-chan. He had to live for something other then destruction. He had people be actually nice to him, and some actually liked him. These must be all new things for the Demon Lord. I kept thinking that even if he does get his powers back, and goes back to his world, he’s probably not gonna want to enslave all humans anymore.

  3. He’s probably just hedging his bets. He has to keep Chi on his good side, and so he has to keep away from her in this form (who knows if he’ll actually “save” anyone?)

    Plus, if his power’s don’t last before he finds a way home, he has to worry about the hero. This will keep her confused enough to bide some time. And he might scout out whoever attacked them.

    It’s also plausible that he’s not sure what to do anymore, since he himself wondered if demons are really just humans, because of his transformation when he came to this world. But that seems a bit too much of a stretch.

    1. Actually, having being spoiled from the manga, he does in fact save people on purpose during this earthquake. They didn’t show it in the anime, but Emi first sensed the barriers put up by Maou around the people in the mall.

  4. This felt more like a build up episode but I loved it.
    It’s pretty obvious our demon lord has gotten brainwashed by mainstream society, or rather gotten caught up in everything but I just hope he doesn’t lose his ambitious spark. Lord knows the anti hero is a million times more interesting than the tired old hero. A hybrid wouldn’t be so bad either.

    Anyways this show is very pleasant to watch.

  5. I agree with Mao’s sudden personality change… in the first episode it showed his demon armies relentlessly murdering innocents in cold blood and he’s sitting on that throne without a care. Some reason he’s acting now like a typical teenager with zero evil intentions.

  6. I’m thinking it’s his friendship with Chi-chan and his overall interactions with humans that is changing him (not saying that he necessarily has feelings for her, but maou seems to have a soft spot for chiho). Besides, I dont think Maou just killed humans for the pleasure of it; most likely this is another case of humans and demons being natural enemies and therefore must fight scenario.

  7. You should totally stop criticizing shows by calling them cliche. A show doesn’t have to surprise you with twists every episode, nor does it have to somehow delve deep and teach deep philosophical proverbs. I think it’s more a personal problem. You’ve just watched way too much anime and as a consequence now everything seems shallow to you. Well, lemme tell ya, this show is brilliant so far, and genuinely funny.
    You remind me of the beginning of the modern era of music, when everybody was like ‘oh we need to be original and use chords and styles never heard before!’ Well all that new music sounded awful. Large aspects of anime should stick to what works. Not because it’s safe, but because that’s what people like to see (except psgels cuz he’s a grump).
    You calling shows cliche is getting extremely cliche.

    1. Yes. It’s be totally awesome if this ‘modern music’ thing never even happened. They should have just stuck to the good old mold and created the same thing over and over and over again.

  8. Uhmm, isn’t there anyone who has considered the possibility that he isn’t evil. When back in his own world, maybe he was just doing what he was doing because it was normal for the demons and humans to be fighting and be at war. Both hated each other equally and so maybe he didn’t even reconsider changing anything.

    It might be cliché, but in this world there is oftentimes no pure Evil and pure Good, and that may also be the subject of this show. I mean, if he really was evil, why hasn’t he turned to crime since he came to “Japan”? It might also be that he sees that right now, the humans in Japan aren’t his enemies, and he doesn’t feel like pulling them into his fights.

    This is of course a theory, but it’s a theory I have had since the first episode. We’ll see how it is later on.

    1. yeah i don’t think maou is evil or was evil. just so terrible misunderstanding. also intro sequence first episode is from a mostly human perspective

  9. what I really liked was how the OP consisted of exact scenes from ep1&2 and it all fit perfectly… talk about recycling material.

  10. This show is funny. I like it.

    This really isn’t a show with deep meaning, I’m just going to enjoy it for what it is, I hope it can keep up the humour.

    I feel like I’ve not watched a decent comedy anime for a while? [although both Chihaya and Space Brothers are peppered with funny moments)

  11. “May I unleash the Dullahan?”

    That cracked me up.

    Best thing is that the internal battle within Emilia feels and are represented the right way regardless of the cheesy story behind it. The moment were she burst out was believable.

  12. Maybe being on earth, and being human has changed him. I know its cliche, but its like Armstrong and the whole tour de france fiasco. You live a lie so long, its the only thing you know. Maybe deep down he’s a nice guy, but your born a demon, you live your life as a demon, you assume that role, especially when you are the overlord.

  13. Episode 4 is up and answers the question of why the demon lord is suddenly so nice. And it also answers who exactly is causing all these problems in the human world.

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