Saiunkoku Monogatari – 55

I’m not happy with the twist that came in this episode. Not happy at all. The rest of the episode was nice enough for an aftermath, but I found myself not caring because of that particular development. I really felt cheated, and this is the second time that Saiunkoku Monogatari pulls this off. I’m really getting worried about this, because Saiunkoku is developing a nasty habit that also plagues shows like Naturo and Bleach: the utter refusal to kill off its characters. Both the deaths for Sakujun and Eigetsu were beautiful. Both deaths were so awesome because they were backed up by a huge amount of building up. The fact that both of them live again due to an anticlimactic Deus ex Machina that popped up after they were supposed to have died really ruins the magic of these moments. I was able to ignore it once for Sakujun, but it’s going to get difficult when this anime tries to get away with the same stunt again. Anyway, about the rest of the episode, now that Seiran is busy again, we find Ryuuki wondering what his purposes might be. The next arc is also introduced, but I can’t say anything about that yet, because I couldn’t understand what was said. Oh, and we get to know the identity of another one of the eight sages: Yo-sensei. So that makes the known sages now: – Sho Taishi. – Riou. – Yougetsu, who now is sleeping soundly inside of Eigetsu. – Yo-sensei. – The one who was resting inside Shuurei’s mother (Bara-Hime), and now seems to sleep inside Shuurei. (thanks to a few commenters for that info) – And I wouldn’t be surprised if one was sleeping in either Shunki or Eiki, to explain the powers they have.]]>

0 thoughts on “Saiunkoku Monogatari – 55

  1. Sort of spoilery, but…
    Ryou is certainly not one of the sages. His magical power comes from being part of the enigmatic Hyou clan, as does that of Eiki, Shunki and Ren (as seen when he possessed Doushu’s body). Each of the sages represents one of the eight major clans of the county, and the Hyou clan is not one of them (although it is an off-shoot of a major clan). “Bya Kuya”, the spirit inside Yougetsu, definatly does seem to be one, however, and You-sensei is certainly so.

  2. Then what about Shou Taishi, which of the noble families is he from or represent?
    It can be argued that the Hyou family is descended from 1 of the sages but due to their supernatural abilities, they stayed away from politics so that no one can take advantage of their powers.

  3. Here is the list of 8 colored clans: Kou (crimson), Kou (Yellow), Sa (Brown), Ran (Indigo), Shi (Purple), Heki (Green), Heku (White), Koku (Black)

  4. Shou Tasihi is the sage of the Shi clan, the imperial family, hence why it is his duty and role to advise the emperor as he does.
    Now, as for slight spoilers..
    The Hyou clan are descended from the sister of the first emperor, and so are technically an offshoot of the Shi clan. There has been no indication in the show that one must be an immortal to use magic; Ren, for example, was clearly not so and yet he could possess the body of Doushu and create powerful magic circles.

  5. I was dissapointment about this story because Ryuuki was passing out without reason and this episode is already begone! What a shame! I wanted to watching this episode but when I was looking for it, they was nothing! But about Kouyuu, why he’s becoming so evil and his body full of red light, anyway? I DONT GET IT!!!!

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