Haha! This episode is not to be missed, as it’s excellent in both the comedy as the drama-department. It has been a long time since I laughed this long and hard when Kinshiro ruined Akai’s attempt to arrest Seikichi., using modern photo-cameras and a strange version of a computer. The rest of the episode, though, was rather serious, and the first drop of blood has been spilled. I was quite surprised when it happened, but apparently, this show does have the guts to show blood. I wonder how much more of this we’ll get to see. On the graphical side, things looked great, by the way. It’s clear that this would be an important episode for the creators. There was one development that stood central in this episode: Seikichi finding out about Sora’s identity. To make things even better, he attacks Sora in beast-form, while protecting blue-monster-from-the-sky in human form. The next episode is promising to become a great aftermath, since he’s got to do some explaining to her. ^^ Another rather interesting thing happened: another blue monster from the sky sprouted from the blue monster from the sky. Not only that, but her physical abilities seem to be way higher than those of the ones we’ve seen before, judging on how she (at least, I assume it’s a she) easily took care of Ginjiro’s henchmen. This raises some interesting questions: is this monster the same as the one we saw before, or does she also have a human form? I’m also still not sure whether to classify the blue monster from the sky as “evil”. After the previous episode, I started to feel a bit compassion for her, despite the huge number of women she killed, but in this episode she showed that she showed to be quite merciless when she tried to take out Sora by making Akai reveal her secret in front of Seikichi. What she didn’t realize, though, was that this incident will only bring our couple closer together.]]>
ohh i should start watching this
looks tight