Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure – 21

I love how this show just treats random goons for 5-minute distractions, rather than people who are meant to delay the plot for entire episodes. For a minute I was afraid that this entire episode would be dedicated to that spike guy, and yet they just walk past him. It’s juuuuust enough for Wham to recover a bit, and nothing more. After that this show went back to Cars and Wham: the ones who really matter.

Sure, they didn’t fight for the rest of the episode, but that didn’t matter. The interaction between Jojo, Lisa, Wham and Cars was what was important, and as a set-up episode I really enjoyed this. The irony of Jojo having killed Lisa’s foster father also really worked well.

Plus: the chariots. The guys just brought in these giant chariots in order to have a duel together. Yay for variety! This series really puts in effort to spice things up here.
Rating: 5.5/8 (Excellent)

8 thoughts on “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure – 21

  1. Pretty much all the fans of the manga (me included) will tell you that the next couple episodes will cover one of the mangas best showdowns (that means a lot for a series of insane battle-driven stories that lasts over 100 volumes and is still going). Everyday I spend waiting for it is pain.

  2. I suppose everyone can already guess the identity of Lisa Lisa by now, the only thing bothering me is that this would make the episode where Jojo had peeked on her while she was bathing feel very creepy XD

    Might as well say Lisa set her death-flag with this reveal .. i just hope if she dies she dies gloriously .. even more gloriously than Cesar.

  3. why did you post this? people who read the manga know this, and those who didn’t shouldn’t read this, so why?

  4. wow thanks a lot for spoiling these to the nonmanga readers and ruining the joy of finding these things out themselves.

  5. Go rewatch episode 10. Right around 13:40 Smokey says something that, combined with the reveal in this episode, makes it obvious who Lisa Lisa is in relation to JoJo. JoJo should’ve made the connection right away, though I could understand if his character would refuse to believe it.

  6. Just when I thought I was finally getting over Caesar being gone, they had to have the tiny scene of Joseph having to run past his poor corpse and him tying his bandanna at the end. Damn it, I’ll never get over it at this rate!

    But the fight coming up sounds exciting. I hope Wham remains amazing throughout the chariot race. He’s the best antagonist of this arc to me and one of my favorite characters. I’m all hyped to see what happens!

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