Zetsuen no Tempest – 20

Omg wtf!

This epsidode had it coming, there is no surprise here, and yet it managed to completely blow me away with how this episode was delivered. The guy who wrote this? The author of Spiral. This guy is amazing. I mean, spiral itself was smart, but with this series, he really managed to create something amazing.

The build-up for this series is juust brilliant. Aika being the Mage of Exodus? That was the first theory I had about the identity for this person. And then this episode just kept throwing red herrings at the viewers, and it kept distracting from this little fact to focus the attention on other people. Now that’s just amazingly well done.

Aika was awesome. Again, this is because of the build-up. For the entire series we’ve been talking about her, even though she was dead. Now we finally got to see her outside of a flashback, and she shows a completely different side of her. After all, everything we’ve seen of her so far was from the perspective of Yoshino (and a bit of Mahiro). It makes perfect sense for her to be able to sense Hakaze, and het yer directness in this episode took me completely by surprise.

Also, Samon. I love you. Your jokes are awesome.
Rating: 6.5/8 (Amazing)

18 thoughts on “Zetsuen no Tempest – 20

  1. Samon’s joke totally stole the episode. He deserves a nomination for comedy character of the year! The rest was awesome as well.

  2. Aside from this episode, it’s not really Samon dropping jokes as much as him playing the straight man reacting to absurdities of the world, enhanced by his usual severe demeanor, being such a calculating mastermind and playing the antagonist for the first half.

    He got me for a sec too.

    As for the actual episode and serious stuffs happening… damn, after the first time travel, I should’ve guessed there would be another one.

    1. (ugh no edit, continuing)

      and then following along those lines, guessing that Hakaze was involved with Aika’s demise would be the next line of reasoning.

      They’re not going to pull anything like Steins;Gate on us, are they? x_x

      Some form of time traveling where there’s one person in isolation on an island, at least by fiction’s logic, seems less full of traps and pitfalls than messing around and interacting with others.

      Hopefully the wrap-up will not disappoint.

  3. Episode was great as always. Personal thoughts:

    I’m convinced Aika commited/ will commit suicide at this point. Really looking forward to Hakaze vs. Aika btw. It’s been a while since I’ve seen an actual good fight scene between chicks.

    Perhaps the final episodes will reveal what it actualy means to be the mage of Exodus/ Genesis and why Hakaze and Aika were chosen for those roles in the first place. It would dissapoint me if they don’t reveal that at some point.

    Samon joke was good and fresh. I’m a bit confused about the post-villain role of Samon in the story though and hope he will have a significant part to play in how the story unfolds yet.

    Finally, does Hakaze always talk out loud when she’s thinking? Must be a character trait.

    1. “Finally, does Hakaze always talk out loud when she’s thinking? Must be a character trait”

      Yeah some might consider this a cheap way of having the characters speed through an introductory process,buildup & revelation that Hakaze is potentially from a future time, knows mahiro/yoshino & knows Aika’s relationship with yoshino etc. Also Aik’a whole speech of deducing everything thats going on, and in her own words, just playing the part of master detective in how she reveals it all could be seen as a bit of another cop out. Although I suppose some might argue that its probably part of her character.

      Anyway getting back to your original point, im sure the hardcore ZNT fans will argue that its actually lierature or drama thing, and that its again all linked to shakespeare, and that Hakaze speach was actually a soliloquy, and equally with my point made about Aika they might say that it was a monologue addressing the of the events that have just occurred before her.

      I suppose both opposing views are equally valid.

    2. re: Hakaze talking to self

      Even if it’s not really a character trait, it’s a habit that most people would develop after living on an island by themselves for months. (granted, it’s been some time after that, but old habits die hard)

      She’s also rather anxious about the whole ordeal. I don’t really blame that or find it unusual.

      The fact that it also works with respect to drama (meaning plays) in the traditional usage of soliloquys is icing on the cake.

  4. Well I figured suicide might be a very real possibility but this changes things. It could still happen but it’s more likely either Hazake kills her or something unexpected happens. That would be another twist delivered by manipulating our expectations.

    That being said. I love this show. It’s not just good, it’s been great to us. But I still wonder why I feel people are overrating it. Well it’s definitely great.

    I’m never that surprised or blown away. I do love the twists though.

    1. If they’re like me, they probably thought the introduction of comedy and romance was the show jumping shark. The show is alot better now that its focusing on Aika and getting down to what happened to her.

    2. also, I don’t know if any else feels this way but the soundtrack really isn’t as good as it was during the first half of the show.

      1. Yeah no kidding, the music took a turn for worse. I think the story is good all through, but I’m very curious to the further conclusions.

  5. i laughed at the absurd size of the sword.

    This episode was great.

    Also, it made me want to eat yakitori

  6. Aika is truly something else, she is really full of surprises, and giant magic swords.

    I really liked how Aika was the one who was calm and dominant while Hakaze was sweating and panicking .. i don’t think one-on-one Hakaze could possibly win .. a fully powered Exdous Mage is simply unstoppable in combat … which leave only one possible way Aika would die .. suicide (like some have guessed).

    I also wonder what was someone as powerful as the mage of Exodus was doing fooling around with Mahiro and Yoshino .. i also think the thing i’m looking forward the most is who Aika was before she met Mahiro and started role-playing his sister (as we all she isn’t his sister at all) .. wonder who she really was and where she came from !!?

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