Uchuu Kyoudai – 44

Here is a question: how do you best recommend this series? I mean, it’s absolutely fantastic and it has some of the best writing out there, but it will be incredibly long. For people who have no life it will be easy to check out, and I think students also can find the time to sit down and watch. But what about the people who don’t have a lot of free time or patience? I mean, I can only handle this series in my life because there is only one episode coming out each week. What’s the best way to make this huge length of 100 episodes lose its intimidation?

I mean really: this series deserves to be watched. This episode actually brought tears to my eyes with its charms. The scene in which Mutta and Hibito talked to each other again had so much build-up behind it. In the past arc, Mutta only did one thing. But the past episodes made sure to put so much meaning into that little action of his. This episode then really took its time to show their conversation, skipping away the time delay for storytelling conveniences, while acknowledging that it’s still there.

Also, a small detail: when was the last time in which we saw a small child who was still changing his teeth? Yes, it’s small, but I really appreciate the detail that this show put into it. Every single one of those details shapes the characters, and this show does it better than any other anime currently airing.

Also, the comedy is back again. I sure missed it. But I love how this show can pull a joke when you don’t expect it. Buddy in particular was hilarious in this episode, with both his memories of Brian, and his reaction to Damian’s state.
Rating: 6/8 (Awesome)

7 thoughts on “Uchuu Kyoudai – 44

  1. I don’t think I can handle this series anymore. These episodes are each stretched painfully thin, and while the stories should be compelling the series has just been diluted too much for me to be excited about watching anymore.

    1:30 spent on recap every episode, then the OP and ED. That ends up cutting these episodes pretty short. Combine that with storytelling slowed to something resembling a dead stop…

    1. This episode covered two and a half chapters of the manga and from what I see from the next episode preview,it covers a similar amount of material.
      And the adaptation is exact panel by panel, neither omitting, nor adding any unwanted fillerish material.
      The anime staff is doing a great job.
      The original manga material itself is slow paced and that’s why the episodes seem stretched out.It’s a shame to drop it after coming this far, when actually lot of exciting stuffs are about to start.

    2. My opinion was the same but for another reason. For 52 episodes you could see after 30 or so that the story will be unfinished with the pace and number of episodes. So I was very unhappy to “waste” so many episodes for the stupid step 3 test.

      Now I see that they will have the time to finish the series with enough time to sum up all the development they spend to. So I am ok with the slow progress.

      I am not sure if you now wait until a batch of episodes (4 or something) will be shown and then watch it. For a weekly base its just to less progress for me, maybe it will change but I don’t think so with the training and new astronauts.

      I think as soon as the series is finished you can recommend it to the people. If you whats 4-5 episodes all twice day and skip the intro, op, ed and the preview you can cut it down to an hour all 2 days with good progress and not too much time waste ^^

      What troubles me, it seems its aimed at kids, but with the slow progress it is really going to them? How are the ratings?

      But at least, thank god we don’t get an open end like in other shows

  2. Absolutely love this episode, especially the genuine facial expression of Mutta, beautifully portrayed imo. The last scene is simple yet consists so much emotions from all the build-up.

  3. I don’t think this series is really that long. I mean, it is definitively longer than usual for anime, but most western Tv series are a lot longer, and people still find time for those.

  4. how to recommend the show to busy people? Tell them to watch it when they’re folding their laundry! That’s how I do ALL my anime marathons, while still having a life outside of the anime world ! lol
    I stopped watching Uchuu Kyoudai at episode 25, I think, in the hopes that I would do a marathon AS SOON as it FINISHES !
    good idea, or what?

    either way, it’s an amazing show! well worth the hours

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