Psycho Pass – 16

This was one heck of an episode for Psycho Pass. Just like Robotics;Notes, actually. The point where everything gets turned around.

Unfortunately I had been spoiled that someone would die in this episode, and as the episode went on it was pretty clear who would be the poor victim. The way in which it happened though, I totally did not see that coming. I loved the end of the episode because of that. In fact, this episode pulled lots of surprise twists that were just awesome. Makishima Shougo being apprehended by his own pride by not taking into account that Kougami didn’t come alone gave Akane a great moment for herself. I also love how she didn’t give in, and just apprehended the guy, instead of giving into her emotions. Now that’s a strong female character there who knows her own limits.

It’s very interesting that the main villain has now been apprehended though. From this moment there will be two possibilities: he’ll escape, or the main protagonists will somehow aid him in bringing down the Sibil System. I mean, Kagari’s death will be a trigger for a lot of things for Kougami and Akane, however you pull it. The Psycho Pass will become useless in one way or the other, the question now is “how”, and “what will that lead to”.

Production IG also rocks lately with their animation. First there was this string of excellent fight scenes that I’ve missed for so long, and then there was Jousei Kasei’s image as her skin was removed. That was a really powerful image for her. I loved the framing and the impact it made, and it was just perfect for that scene. Why she’s an android at this point is anyone’s guess, but it made the setting here even more interesting.

For a while I wondered why there was so little security in the building, if something really important is hidden there that absolutely cannot be found by anyone. But heck, I believe that this is the result of people’s Psycho Pass: apparently nobody with a clear conscience could live with something like what went on in the Sibil System’s core, whatever the hell it may be, so the maintenance and security of that building just had to be replaced with robots out of necessity. I guess that that’s why the police operates with people with a high crime hue: because this leads to less free people in the police force, and a smaller chance that one of them will find out about the tower and act on their impulses: like this episode showed, they can be easily killed off by a dominator that way. Whether this was the most efficient tactic for this though…. I have no idea.
Rating: 6/8 (Awesome)

19 thoughts on “Psycho Pass – 16

  1. I’m hoping that Kagari isn’t really dead and managed to escape somehow. It doesn’t look very likely given the situation, but it’s still possible, since we didn’t see him actually die. Of course, if we find out later that there are bits of Kagari strewn all around the room, that’ll be the end of it…(And if he did escape, Shion would know about it, so she would need to cover it up or also flee.)

      1. It said Paralyzer but then it started to make weird sounds and changed it’s shape to the decomposer. I suppose she couldn’t kill Kagari with his current psycho-pass color so she hacked his own Dominator.

    1. Kasei didn’t use the eliminator mode, she used the decomposer, the same thing used against the robot in the first episodes. If Kagari was shot with it (and at point-blank-range I can’t see how he didn’t) then not a single trace should remain of him. Let’s remember this is written by Gen, and hope it’s something hard to find in his works.

    2. I think Gen wrote himself into a bit of a corner here. The possible character death in this episode being the main issue for me. I said before that if he’s dead we won’t be able to sympathize with him due to his poor development but I’m also thinking now if he survives the show will be even worse off cause it’ll be seen as copping out.

      1. Not every death is made to sympathize with the victim (of course this always helps), some of them have as a purpose to develop the other characters. Just like how Yuki’s dead was mostly for the sake of developing Akane (or how the first death in Madoka was for the sake of developing the main character).

  2. Although I had my qualms with the scene between Akane and Shougo to see her pull a strong character moment like that was a long time coming and thats something I guess.

  3. It feels weird to post so many times in the same thread but I really loved this episode. I believe Kogami will side with Shougo, the 2nd OP seems to hint towards it.

  4. “It’s very interesting that the main villain has now been apprehended though. From this moment there will be two possibilities: he’ll escape, or the protagonists will somehow aid him in bringing down the Sibil System.”

    OR .. option 3, he’ll be plugged into the SYBIL system and become a core component of the system he was trying to break down. It looks like that is the secret of the basement.

      1. Well I thought it was some sort of lovecraftian monster given Urobuchi’s writing history. Actually spoiled myself (NoitamnA has a cafe which airs the next Psychopass episode every weekend, you can find spoilers). The show did hinted at what the Sybil System really is.

  5. most peopleon the net seem tosubscribe to some varition of “Human brains” or as good folks at tv tropes would ut it “powered by th forsaken child” theory.

  6. “It’s very interesting that the main villain has now been apprehended though”.

    I think this episode showed that the government is the main villian of this series.

  7. Kind of disappointing, I always end up rooting for the villains. I never liked the Sybil System or whatever. I guess, we just have to wait and see.

  8. Just watched ep 17. Not going to spoil it but you should watch it before someone has the chance to spoil it because OH MY GOD it might be worthy of another 6/8 from you psgels.

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