Higurashi no Naku Koro ni – 27

So, basically because in Higurashi, every single detail counts, and the subs come out at bullet speed anyway, I’m going to continue to follow this series subbed instead of raw. And boy, does it deliver! Only Mononoke will probably be able to stand a chance of beating this series for the title of the best show of the summer-season. So, basically, the current arc is the aftermath of the sixth arc, and meant to give the final clues, before the eighth arc will reveal everything. It does this by means of the hints that were given in the game, and translated in the AnimeSuki forums. I only read a few of the hints back when the series aired, so it’s going to be great to see them all lined up. And the creators couldn’t have chosen a better and more awesome setting for this arc: 30 years in the future, with as main characters Oishi, Akasaka and a grown-up Rena!! I’m also really curious as to how long this arc will be, and what will be its climax? Anyway, let’s start with the new OP, as it reveals quite a bit of information. It’s sad, instead of chaotic like the one for the first season. There are two things that immediately catch your mind: a strange girl, and the huge focus on Rika. Keep an eye out for this mysterious girl, because (having read one or two hints about her), something tells me that she’s playing a huge central role in this series. I’m also really glad to see that it seems like Rika will become the main character of the second season, when compared to Keiichi in the first one. Especially considering she’s my favourite character. The episode starts with Akisaka with a guy who once was in charge of overseeing Hinamizawa, meeting up with Oishi in the bus stop that we all know so well. Hinamizawa is in ruins, and the disaster indeed happened after episode 26. Akisaka recaps a few things that happened in the fourth arc, after which he introduces Sawada (at least, I think he’s spelled that way. The fansubber refused to translate his name). Sawada now works for the self defence-force after he left Hinamizawa, and he used to be an underclassman of Akisaka when they were in college. The fansubber also for some reason translated “Onigafuchi” to “Onigahuchi”, but I’ll keep with Onigafuchi in my future entries. It’s probably a translation-error anyways. In Onigafuchi, which has now been covered in concrete, and the ruins of the hospital Akisaka tells about his theories, backed up by online bloggers (this probably is the first time an anime referred to bloggers in any way ^^;). It basically starts out with a summary of the information we already knew at the sixth arc, when Rena received Takano’s scrapbooks. His conclusion, in any case, is something we’ve been expecting all along: gas never erupted from the march in the first place. According to various people, it’s useless to seal up a gas leak with concrete. According to him, the three great families got in trouble when the original virus began to decline, so they tried to remake it. This failed, and it either killed the entire village, or it made the villagers kill themselves. The alien-part has to be fake, of course. It also seems that the Self Defence Force knew somehow what was going on. They put up fences around the Onigafuchi-march, and frequently took blood-samples from their members for investigation. The question remains: if they knew, why didn’t they do something about it? They then go towards the olds school-building, in order to meet with another familiar face: Rena. Oishi then starts asking her a few questions, since he’s the only one that met her before. It really seems that she suffered serious traumas after the disasters in Hinamizawa (by the way, I’d love to find out how both she and Keiichi in the third arc decided to live the rest of their lives). Oishi then comes with some more facts: after we saw Rika claim that she finally wanted to become serious against the person that played the “endless game of June” with her, Irie committed suicide with poison, she again got killed and at dawn, the disaster took place. Rena was also hospitalized for a long time afterwards. Oishi also has the theory that she was brainwashed when she was there. Rena then talks of one of the hints that I vaguely read once. Remember when Rena was hiding in the bus? Rika in “Oyashiro-mode” then visited Rena, in an attempt to save her. When Rena, however, became scared of her and yelled at her, Rika claimed that she had no more interest in the village, and that she wanted to move on to another one. This makes Akisaka remember the time he was with Rika as well. Okay, so let’s combine these facts a bit. The fact does remain that it’s a bit too coincidental that Rena picked the exact evening to carry out her plan, right before the disaster occurred. This seems to suggest that someone was able to control the disaster, which suggests that information was about to become known that was not meant to come out. Still, if that’s the case, then why was Rena the only one to survive? I can imagine that Keiichi would have survived in the third arc. He was unconscious and away from everyone, which means that he wasn’t exposed to the virus in any way. For Rena, though, this is different. My theory is that Rena was one of the first people to be infected. Because of that, she also was one of the first to stand a chance of being cured. Notice the syringe Rika is holding in the flashback? Rika actually wanted to cure her, but Rena refused. Instead, Keiichi managed to cure her, in the same reason that Rena tried to cure Keiichi with in the first arc. It was only then that Rika realized that the virus could also be cured in a different way. Unfortunately, the realized this too late and got killed before she could take action. This suggests why the eighth arc is going to reveal everything: it’s because Rika will finally get serious. I also assume that Rika was the one who cured Rena back in the first arc, in an attempt to get her to save Keiichi, but this failed, and after this she kept quiet for a long while, until Shion went crazy in the fifth arc. I also finally realize why Rika was able to predict her death so accurately: she already had lived the same timeline over and over again. Of course she’d get a bit sick of the same things happening again and again. Going back to the disaster of Hinamizawa, I think that is the time that a certain someone awakened the virus in the entire population of Hinamizawa, and they began to kill each other. The reason Keiichi went crazy in the first arc was because of the weapon Rena showed him (probably under light influence of the virus, after which Rika probably came to her), which awakened the virus too early. The same can probably be said for Satoko when Keiichi petted her in the third arc, Shion losing her fingernails in the fifth arc and Rena getting Takano’s scrapbooks in the sixth arc. The question remains: what does Rika’s little friend have to do with this? And where does Takano fit in this story? Why did Irie commit suicide? And are there possibly two Rikas?]]>

0 thoughts on “Higurashi no Naku Koro ni – 27

  1. >>(this probably is the first time an anime referred to bloggers in any way ^^;).
    Not at all; Death Note had them.

  2. Great to see you covering this series again, I really loved reading your theories that you had for the first season. I just got done marathoning the entire first season again and reading all the tips for the first season again over at the A-Suki forums. I’m really looking forward to some answers; I’ve kept myself in the dark and haven’t been spoiled so I’m really pumped for Higurashi Kai.
    Here are my thoughts on some of those questions:
    “What does Rika’s little friend have to do with this?” and “Are there possibly two Rikas?” — Here’s what I think. Rika’s friend, Hanyuu, is actually Oyashiro-sama. I really thing that this could be it because according to the game tips at A-Suki, Rika is the reincarnation of Oyashiro-sama (http://forums.animesuki.com/showpost.php?p=601921&postcount=64) and I believe that Hanyuu is Rika’s Oyashiro side, which is why she looks like Rika. This would also explain why Rika can only see here, which was shown in the tips. Anyways, I think that Hanyuu will have a big role in the overall picture of things, considering the focus that she and Rika have in the OP & ED.
    “And where does Takano fit in this story?” — Your guess is as good as mine; she has to have some idea of what is actually going in Hinamizawa.
    “Why did Irie commit suicide?” – I believe he was actually murdered because he found out about the virus or something like that. He probably discovered something he shouldn’t have.

  3. Alpha123: interesting theories, though I’m not sure about the part that only Rika can see Hanyuu. Remember the tip about Keiichi’s father, when he first came to Hinamizawa? He then described Rika and Hanyuu playing with each other, so he did see her.

  4. i wonder how many people actually know about hanyuu…anyway, i read the TIPs and this episoe basically covers the whole of that, so i dunno if the next episode will continue from this episode.

  5. Well after I read the tip “Last Night” I figure that other people couldn’t see Hanyuu besides Rika. In that tip Rika and Hanyuu were talking about “throwing the dice” and Satoko comes into the room when they finish there conversation and she make no mention of Hanyuu at all while she was talking with Rika. We’ll probably be getting these answers soon enough though. I’ve waited patiently for them so far, what’s a few more weeks?

  6. The question remains: what does Rika’s little friend have to do with this? And where does Takano fit in this story? Why did Irie commit suicide? And are there possibly two Rikas?

    I have an answer to some of these questions. Rika’s little friend’s name is hannyu and she is the one who turns back time for Rika. She is supposed to answer more questions when she appears in the second season. Takano IS the one behind all this. She did everything. The killing and crap. I dont know how yet but I know. Irie, I have no clue but maybe its because something happened with satoko because he loves her. The last question about two rika’s, you see in the anime how keiichi was seen at the festival when he really was sneaking into the festival shrine, rena was seen somewhere else when hiding when she couldnt have been at two places at once, and Takano was dead before the festival in the fifth arc but Rika, Rena, Mion, and Keiichi were talking to her anyway. Somehow, there has been copies of people. I dont know why.
    Anyway, how do you know there might be two rika’s? how do you know already that there was no gas? how did you figure it out? please let me know. http://www.LOLnessblog.blogspot.com please comment

  7. Whoa, those are some MAJOR spoilers. Sorry, but I tried not to read them, because I’d like to find these out while watching the series. O_o
    Regarding your question, though, I learned about the two rikas through the TIPS that were on Animesuki. Keiichi’s father saw three children play with each other, among which there were two blue-haired ones. Why don’t we see the second blue-haired girl anywhere, that’s probably how the two of them merged at some time, or something similar.
    The fact that there was no gas is simple, as the series sortof explained that. People wouldn’t really be able to fix volcanic gas with concrete, and for some reason, Keiichi and Rena survived. If the entire village was felled with volcanic gas, it couldn’t explain how they survived. If it was, in fact, a cover-up, and the disease was instead awakened, you can explain them. Keiichi was unconscious when he survived, so the disease couldn’t have made him crazy. Rena, meanwhile, was actually cured, so the disease had no effect on her.

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