Ooedo Rocket – 14

I guess that this was one of those episodes that had a bit of everyone. Heck, half of the huge cast got a bit of development. The blue monster from the sky, Genzo, Seikichi, Sora, Kagiya, Shunpei, Tenhou, Tenten, a few of the hunters, Akai, Anui, the townsfolk, O-Ise and Genzo’s mother all play some kind of important role in this episode. To start with O-Ise, in this episode she keeps bugging the townsfolk about a luxurious vacation she’s selling. Judging by the reaction of the townsfolk, they have experienced her vacations before, and left there with some baaaad memories. ^^; Oh, and she gets robbed afterwars, by the blue monster from the sky. And poor Genzo! He’s now also been degraded to mere pigeon in the OP. And only now I realize that he was responsible for most of the calculations that Seiichi needed. It also took me till this episode to realize that he’s got a mother! It’s so cute of her to worry about him, and yet she thinks he’s on some sort of journey. And boy, does the blue monster from the sky show a different side of her during this episode! The past few episodes portrayed her as an evil bitch, but she actually showed pity in this episode. The events of the previous episode really made her think, because I’m sure that she wants to return to the moon as well. It’s ironic that she of all people starts needing Genzo, since all of the townsfolk just took his existence for granted. I also finally realized why I can’t remember her name: she doesn’t have one! Akai meanwhile, tries to use Kagiya’s daughter to try and get Seikichi, but it fails. Basically, he arranges it so that she gets assigned with the task f repairing the space-ship, with which he hopes she’ll go to Seikichi for advice. He didn’t take her “I don’t want to lose from that guy”-attitude. ^^; In any case, with this she finally got an important role, instead of being a side-character who shows up once every five episodes. This episode also was a great one for the different couples on the show. Shunpei gets a bit closer to Anui, due to his frustrations with his brother. Seikichi and Sora keep doing random things in order to tweak the rocket (I’m actually not sure what the poles they made were for, but I guess we’ll see that in the next episode), and Tenhou gets a bit closer with her stalker. ^^; I’m also glad to see that after Bokura no, other shows are coming with their new EDs to. I still liked the first one better, though, but this one also is quite fun to watch.]]>

0 thoughts on “Ooedo Rocket – 14

  1. It’s the New Year’s Eve. O-Ise came to the row houses to collect debt. The residents have been borrowing gunpowder, timbre from O-Ise.

  2. Oh, thanks for the explanation. When I tried to translate her dialogue (with a bit of help from an on-line dictionary), the words “bill collector” and “white sandy beach” came up, which made me think that she was selling holidays to beach resorts ^^; Apparently that was wrong.
    Now I also realize that the townsfolk weren’t celebrating at the end of the episode that they managed to avoid O-Ise, they were just celebrating New Year. ^^;

  3. It’s Kaketori, an old Japanese word. It’s the old practice of settling account at the end of each year. Those residents had been buying raw materials to make rocket on credit.

  4. I love the fact that this show just comes out with the weirdest jokes at the funniest times, like in this episode where Seikichi and his bro finaly notice that weird spoon thing on Sora’s forehead. I love how it took them 14 episodes to comment on it, and better yet the fact that the whole episode our lead character was spending most of his time just staring at sora because of that one thing on her forehead.

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