Zetsuen no Tempest – 10

Okay, so for those who haven’t read the previous work of the author of this series, Spiral: it is basically a series dedicated to mind-games. The characters move from one elaborate puzzle to the other and there is this evil organization that requires them to solve it. It’s fun, but also pretty formulaic and these mind games were pretty much the only reason to keep watching it. If anything though, it showed tht the author is really good at them. But holy crap, I must say that he really struck gold with Zetsuen no Tempest.

Spiral was just a series in which people moved from mind-game to mind-game. Zetsuen no Tempest instead has an epic storyline that happens to have mind-games in them. It has much more to offer than just the mind games, but when they appear, they really shine like never before. After all of the build-up and world building that the series did in the past, we can finally get to the point where this has to be used in order to out-wit Samon, and this is just the second week in a row in which my mind has been blown. You can really see Spiral as the prototype for Zetsuen no Tempest.

I love how Yoshino just came up with this ridiculous theory that makes no sense in order to bet under Samon’s skin. You really don’t often see a villain who isn’t completely confident in his cause, but that makes it all the more interesting: in this story, he is the one trying to achieve his goal against all odds and instead the main characters have someone like Hakaze, who can pretty much nuke the world on a whim when she gets the chance. It’s such a fascinating change of roles here.

And yeah, I loved how Yoshino tricked Samon in giving away something really crucial here: the nature of time travel in this world: if you talk to someone in the past, the effects of that become noticeable immediately. They can really use this: now that Hakaze knows that she will die, she can take actions to prevent it, and these actions will manifest themselves in the world they’re currently in. Just how? Who knows?
Rating: 6/8 (Awesome)

8 thoughts on “Zetsuen no Tempest – 10

  1. how Yoshino just came up with this ridiculous theory that makes no sense

    Um. Actually, I thought Yoshino’s theory was very plausible. The boys only had Samon and Junichiro’s account that that skeleton belonged to Hakaze, even though they were speaking to her in real time. Neither boy had met Hakaze in the flesh so to speak. Rather than assume they were talking to the past, it seems more plausible that Hakaze got tricked into thinking it was two years ago and that the skeleton was a fake that possibly belongs to someone else with a similar bone structure.

    1. Yes, that. Actually Yoshino had convinced me completely. His theory was much more plausible than what actually happened. Part of me actually wishes that this was the real answer and the whole time-travel theory was just a big trick.

  2. Hello!
    Excellent website!
    But I have question, I can’t remember nor find one particular very short animation between 2006 & 2010, which was presented as an Anime idea, project, with series of shots, frames and stills, without particular information about its future, it’s even possible that author never had intention to workout this great idea, while reviewer expressed view that it would be shame not to do at least short film. I don’t remember the name of the project nor author’s name, I have couple of reference point to bring here and maybe you or anyone else could help.
    So, here what I can recall:
    – it is placed on some sort of space station or ship floating in space, do not remember where, probably Earth orbit;
    – structure is abandoned, since the humanity is extinct or facing extinction;
    – no light except from the outside, stars, maybe Moonlight, etc. and inside we see some red control light or something;
    – inside of the structure looks like large laboratory, with some but really not much damage;
    – IMPORTANT! – central point of this huge hall/lab is large fish tank more basin, but except possibility that there is a shadow of some kind of a fish creature swimming, we do not see directly this tank nor water nor creature;
    – IMPORTANT! – for some reason I think that word SALMON has to do something with the project, hence the creature and water tank, salmon & genetic manipulation could be in the center of this idea.
    All this simply stuck with me while I lost my video file and bookmarks and I am not able to find it anymore !

  3. I’m glad your enjoying it as much as I am… I can’t say that I’m too in awe though. I mean, this kind of thinking is the type I live with on a daily basis. Perhaps I just think too much, lol. Anyways, I guess it’s impressive and serves the story really well. The build up really has paid off. This show started somewhat bland but really came together.

    1. Yes, but it’s refreshing to see it in anime every once in a while… It’s rare that an anime has characters that actually think things through a lot. Usually I just go “but why didn’t he…”, “why hasn’t figured that…”, “is he really not noticing that…?”.

  4. Totally agree Puran, it’s really refreshing. This series really does remind me of FMA in a number of really cool ways.

    Great review for a great ep, this and Psycho-Pass have me completely hooked.

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