Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo – 08

And as if nothing happened, this show returns back to its usual level of good writing and character chemistry. This episode thankfully reminded me again why this show is so special for its kind: the characters and their chemistry just are incredibly addictive. Where the fanservice in the previous episode was terrible, here it was back to being good again. It wasn’t there for the sake of “hey, let’s show panties!”, but instead they were all about creating tension between the characters. Without it, this episode would have been completely different and actually less entertaining. That’s my definition of good fanservice, and I rarely see a series that uses it as well as Sakurasou.

The previous episode did create a bunch of really big problems though, which really need to be fixed. First of all, the sister in this episode did not return, however she will come back. Being such an inherently wrong character in every single way, the writers really need to do something if they want to be able to make something out of her character. Also, Nanami. Her character still revolves around Sorata. Granted though, she at least started to redeem herself with the help of Sorata and Shiina with how her crush developed over this episode.

Meanwhile, Sorata’s feelings through this episode were wonderful, being rejected for something he worked really hard on. And it’s also interesting how the creators found a way to keep the angst from getting too out of control with their anti-climaxes. There also was a lot of play on symbolism (you should start running forward… if you don’t want that guy to catch you!).

Also, there is one thing I’m wondering: why are so many series centered around school? Don’t get me wrong, Sakurasou avoids this wonderfully: the characters go to school, but instead of that we see the interesting parts of their lives. But what I mean is that since these series are supposedly aimed at teenagers, why pick school as the setting so often? Don’t most teenagers that age hate school?
Rating: 5/8 (Great)

11 thoughts on “Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo – 08

  1. I’m assuming so many series are centered around school because of target audiences. Usually too, there is always some sort of enforcement for Japanese society. “You want a drink young man?” “lol no I’m underage!” If there is a drug in an anime it has to be life threatening and debilitating and kill you. Same with school; you have to go, you have to college.

    I really really like Sakurasou. It’s been so fun to watch and very enjoyable. I like how they hit the pool without permission. Oh and psgels as for the sister, I could be wrong but she might just turn out to be the annoying sibling.

  2. Are you serious, there are so many teen drama’s that are popular as hell with teens and they all are pretty much set in schools. teens dont care that much if its tv

  3. People like what is familiar, and highschool is familiar to everyone. Not everyone goes to college, and each job is different.

    In fanfiction there’s also a certain Highschool AU trope, where various teenage authors take the characters from a series and put them in a highschool setting. They might not like going to school, but it’s their world.

  4. Anime shows tend to take out the crappier elements of school (like, you know, heavy amounts of studying and cramming hard for tests) to focus on the enjoyable elements (friends, meeting new people, being in clubs, ‘school spirit’, etc…).

    Oh, you’ll get a throwaway line/scene about how much a character is studying and/or working on tests, but that’s just there to add some degree of credibility to it.

    On the whole, it’s a very idealized version of high school that anime tends to present.

  5. Sorata was treading on a thin line there when he failed the interview. He didn’t make me hate him though because of what he said to Mashiro. His attitude later on in this episode is good as well. I think this episode is one of the best in this anime so far.

  6. Yea just one thing you didn’t said a word about Initial D Fifth Stage well at least I didn’t saw anything about it here in the blog Its only monthly double episodes so c´mon a least give your opinion about one(yea its still not the best looking series)but its a series about racing and well anime about that subject is not a very common thing .

  7. Maybe also because most teens can relate themselves to the characters better (especially the MC in a harem story) if they’re also high school students?

  8. “you should start running forward… if you don’t want that guy to catch you!”

    YES. This was the funniest line I’ve seen — not in the whole episode, but the whole past week of anime.

    Move forward, Sorata…for that man’s face looketh frightful indeed.

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