From the New World – 09

So this definitely is a week of plot twists. The thing that this episode implied though definitely took the cake. They made Shun look like such an important character, central to the plot of this series. He grew up to be brilliant, so there seemed no doubt that he was supposed to be a very big player in the upcoming story arc. And then the creators actually did THAT with him.

So, he’s either dead, or an animal. Knowing this show, it will actually go through with it: Shun’s gone, or at least he’s an animal now that’s not going to return back. The intrigue is just getting better and better with this show.

The whole air of mystery around this series and the stuff that the adults try to hide from the children is awesome. The characters really seem on the verge of stepping into something huge, that can so easily ruin the lives of so many people that the children have to be kept constantly unknowing. This story of a bunch of curious children that happened to find out about the truth about all that. It can only go bad ways because those rules weren’t set up for nothing…
Rating: 5.5/8 (Excellent)

12 thoughts on “From the New World – 09

  1. I thought this was the best episode yet so a bit disappointed my the score it got, but no worries its your blog 🙂 I honestly think shun is dead though, my opinion.

    1. I also think that this episode deserved a higher score than 5.5

      The soundtrack was amazing, especially how it was used to build up tension for Saki-chan’s night adventure. I loved the twists and reveals, and also the details such as the clothing and the scenery, and the new weird monster.

  2. I have to say I noticed a HUGE step up in the animation and drawing consistancy for this episode. It’s pretty obvious they’ve been saving budget for this episode and future eps. The story flow gets a + as well since it was smooth instead of Event -JUMP- Event -JUMP- Event like the past few episodes. Good transitioning is important and they nailed it here, hope they keep it up.

  3. …why animal? As far as I understand from the description in episode 2, karma demons are those who have lost control over their cantus and randomly warp or destroy everything around them. Judging from the state his home and the woods around it are in, that seems like a good fit for what’s happening.

  4. Loving the suspense in this anime. Getting shiver after shiver this week. I don’t have any complaints about this episode. It’s well paced, doesn’t contain excess amounts of information and it develops very well especially towards the end.

  5. “They” made Shun? Surely you mean Yusuke Kishi.

    A man wrote a story, some others adapt said story into anime, people then praise the anime makers for the story another man wrote in the first place. Anime logic.

    So long Shun.

  6. Amazing episode, Satoru and Saki checking the village of pinewood was done really well and it gave all sorts of creepy vibes as to what might have taken place there … i mean they could have just shown random gore and dismembered limbs like many horror shows do, but no, the subtlety here made the scene more creep, where did the people go !!? .. what force could have twisted the place so much as to have blood-red trees with tortured screaming human faces (with tears in their eyes) implanted on them !!!! .. soooo freaking creeeepy XD

    Also i think i think Saki can handle that “cat” just fine, she had her Cantus/PK unlocked (and the creatures are clearly not immune to Cantus nor look human, she has an anti-cat charm given to her by Shun (although a pair of tinted glasses would help if the cats are also engineered to hypnotize people like the false-Minoshiro), and she finally has her survival kit … survival kits always help .. Macgyver would be proud of Saki XD

    And mesmerizing sunset scene with Saki in the boat was really beautiful .. specially with the “broadcasted” music (although its a “sad/foreboding/creepy” type of beauty).

  7. As long as the filthy cats don’t start to have gay sex with karma demons under the eyes of talking rats… I suppose it’s ok, for whatever this show is supposed to mean…

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