91 Days – 08

I will admit that I was losing interest in this series as of late and the recap episode aired last episode had me not very concerned with checking out the new episode. However upon watching this you can sign me right back up for whatever you got planned 91 Days because this episode was marvelous. What we have this week is the slow breakdown of Corteo who looks to have seen just how dangerous the path he followed Avilio onto really is. With Avilio becoming closer to Nero and more distant from Corteo, Corteo was slowly getting driven into a corner. Much like we have no real idea as to what Avolio’s agenda is, Corteo is also clueless on just what his friend is planning. From his perspective it’s very easy to see his actions as him warming up to mafia life and changing in a man very different from the one Corteo used to know.

The big turning point was Nero’s decision to kill the inspectors family which Avilio didn’t oppose in the slightest. It certainly is odd for Avilio to commit to such an action when you consider just what drove him to revenge in the first place. Though perhaps he should have put more faith in Avilio as it looks like he never intended the family to die in the car explosion. The was smart as well considering that actually killing his family would have been a boneheaded move to make. Avilio is well aware of the draw of revenge and if they took out the inspectors family then he would truly be a man with nothing to lose. Instead Avilio tricked him by making him think his family died in the car bomb and gave him a taste of just what he could lose. After that it’s no wonder he canceled the investigation much to the dismay of the residents cheering him on.

I like to think of the inspector as a kind of metaphor. Namely that the one who have the power to change things for the greater good are often those with the most to lose. Still this move was enough to encourage Corteo to betray the Vanettis and help Fango attempt to kill Nero. A very unwise move as now he has Fango to deal with along with the Vanettis and Fango is hardly the most trustworthy. Corteo is enraged by Avilio’s attempt to give him an out from the mafia life and quite frankly he has every right to be. Avilio dragged him into this, used him and now is sending him home. Even if those are not his intentions, it’s sadly what it feels like. With the Vanettis suspecting him of being a traitor and Fango pushing him for more info on the Vanettis, it really was only a matter of time before he snapped. And damn, it was glorious. Out of all the cast I never suspected that the one to kill Fango would be Corteo. In fact Fango never suspected that either which ultimately lead to his downfall. But that’s what happens when you back a dog into a corner, they lash out. In this case Fango gave Corteo no other option and he made it clear that with the formula to make Lawless heaven he no longer had any need of Corteo.

Fango was about to inform the Vanettis of his actions and the only thing awaiting him was death. The stress of being under surveillance, the abandonment by his only friend, the constant threat of death, his own drunken state and now all his options gone. The moment he just let out all his rage and frustration on Fango was a damn fine anime moment. The skipping of the record as Corteo violently smashed his head in with each sickening thud felt so visceral and real. With Fango gone this feels like a turning point in the series, where everything is going to burn. There are two Mafia families left and with Fango removed you can bet they will be itching to grab his territory. With the end of prohibition coming I think it would be quite a finale for the Vanettis and the Galassias to go to all out war and destroy each other. Then with all three families destroyed, Avilio will take his revenge.

I know this is odd coming from me but I actually will miss Fango. I have always hated his presence in the series as he often was just too crazy for the sombre tone. However since becoming Don, Fango has dialed back on his crazy and as a character he really started to work. Perhaps he realised that no one was willing to do business with someone who shot crazy eyes in their direction. He was calmer and more calculating while saving his beastly nature for the moments he decides to just let loose. A Fango who puts on an act of civility only to outright kill someone who dares to undermine him is a much more interesting character than a hyperactive psychopath.  Nero also looks to be taking the death of his brother hard as he develops the same tired eyes his brother had at the end. Perhaps this is a hint that he has picked up a drug habit or may it’s just hard for him to sleep but his easygoing personality appears to have morphed into a cold murderer. Avilio appears to be trying to cheer him up but as to why is still a mystery. He has his full confidence and could kill him at any time. But what is he really waiting for? A chance to kill the Don of the Vanettis? I am beginning to think that Avilio’s plan isn’t to get revenge on those who killed his family but instead to destroy the very mafia itself.

One thought on “91 Days – 08

  1. I wonder if Avilo’s plan is to become the new head of the mafia. He had plenty of chances to kill Nero, but he still seems to be waiting for something.

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