I dislike it when a series revives a character back from the dead. But seriously, when it’s done this well, I really can’t complain. With this episode, the creators made Himari’s revival such an integral part of the plot that I have no problems with it. The revival had enough repercussions on its own, it had an amazing effect on the characters and we got to know a lot more about them. The kinds of revivals that got on my nerves were the half-assed ones: the ones who are just there to generate cheap drama without actually killing someone.
In any case, I loved how well this episode was told. It was an aftermath, but the pacing was just perfect. The dialogue was just excellent for every character: Shouma, Kanba, Tabuki and that pink-haired guy all had some amazing monologues, and I loved the use of music throughout this entire episode, and all had something interesting to tell as they analyzed what happened last episode and related it to their own experiences.
The new ED also is amazing. It’s not just a case of “let’s insert a random song here!” – it fitted perfectly with the end of the episode. For me, the best EDs are the ones that force me to keep watching them, and the transition was just seamless. The piano at the end also was absolutely wonderful.
Rating: *** (Awesome)]]>
I didn’t enjoy this episode of Penguin drum as much as the others. I say that regardless of how it’s done, bringing someone back from the dead always feels like a cheap cop out. It still renders the drama of the previous episode pointless. Though it does seem that someone did actually die here. From what I can assume it seems that Himari’s penguin hat persona is dead. Pity, I really liked that character. She broke Himari’s mary sue personality.
It was a decent episode but I am a bit tired of getting more questions than answers.
Maybe it’s just the version I watched, but did the pink-haired guy really say “Lol wut? U mad?”
This entire series is built on bringing someone back from the dead. It was done in the very first episode. It was also the effective goal of Ringo for most of the first half of the series, if by different means.
Let me be somewhat less flippant. It’s hard, because reading this point being brought up strikes me as seeing someone muster surprise that a recently deceased character has returned in an episode of Shiki. The interesting part is not the resurrection itself, but exploring the reasons and consequences for it. It is established as something that is actually possible in the story’s universe and that the weight of the matter really lies on its implications.
The abrupt return to death by Himari was not stupendous storytelling that was suddenly invalidated by the arrival of the ominously evil Sanetoshi and his magical elixir. Himari’s sudden demise worked to reinforce the urgency of the story, it further established the characters of Kanba and Shouma through their response (Kanba initially attempts to sacrifice his own life for Himari’s, and when that proves futile, he makes an arrangement with someone whose intentions appear suspiciously malevolent), motivates the revelation of how more of the cast is tied together, and provides hints of what’s to come from Shouma’s tale of the lambs. However, had Himari actually been Really, Really, Really Dead there would not have been much left driving the series. The brothers’ role in the story, without possession of or even a reason to pursue the Penguindrum would be over. They’d have to be dragged into the machinations of others by the revelation of their parents’ identities, and the whole direction of the story goes over a cliff.
The pink haired guy said,
Come on now, don’t get mad.
Just the translators being weird.
But yeah, I kind of like this episode. I mean it had a different feel then the previous ones, kind of reflected in the ED. It was much more quiet and contemplative. I think it was a good episode at this point of the series.
They made the insert song from ep 9 the new ED. Wow, that is certainly refreshing.
Can we safely say that this is the end of a story arc?
I like this anime, but more than anything I see it like having the potential to achieve something as big as Mushishi, Real Drive and Ghost Hound did for me in a personal level which was something that made me just forget whatever flaws they had. Pratically speaking it can make top 5.
And the reason I believe in that are the dialogues – and monologues – and the subject in which they are grounded, which is a pretty philosophycal and heavy one – if you care about philosophy and metaphysics – “Fate”.
Having all that with great direction, art, mystery and symbology and some sprinkles of romance and comedy just help to add to the expectativy. Just hoping they don’t lose themselves and screw all this potential, being an optimistic guy, I believe they will do even better than I expect.
I totally agree with M; when last week’s episode aired I didn’t feel at all sad for Himari (though the whole Kanba/Princess scene was very touching) because I knew she would be resurrected; she is one of the main characters not in terms of screentime, but rather how her existence is the essence of the entire show; that is, her illness, her struggle between life and death is the basic fuel for all of these characters and their motivation. If Himari HAD died, the show would have very little left to explore and play around with. The fact that this show revolves mainly around the dynamic of the relationships rather than the characters themselves is very unique and makes it so wonderful. Kanba’s continuous sacrifices, Shouma’s relationship with Ringo and how that in turn, progresses Ringo to take up her own destiny- all of these things are catalyzed by the formation of these bonds. Thus the real charm behind Mawaru Penguindrum doesn’t really lie in the essence of the characters, but what motivates them and pushes them to make the decisions they make. Aka, external factors.
A little frustration I might have is that we’re halfway into this show and yet nothing has actually been decisively concluded- we’ve been given a lot of strings, and over time those strings have wrapped around other strings leading to a lot of ties and points being put together, but I feel like hopefully the second half of this show will stop adding strings and now tie them up properly- this show has a lot of questions to answer to, and I sincerely hope that it wraps up in time and wonderfully, because it would be an absolute shame if it couldn’t.
The first thing that struck me during this episode was this:
Momoka is the penguin-hat princess; she died 16 years ago and met the pink-haired guy (since Himari also met him when she was btw life and death in the library). Even though the pink-haired guy thought she was the one for him, she still vaguely subconsciously remembered her first love, the future teacher Tabuki and rejected him. This ties in with the scene of the little boy and girl and the girl saying she had a soulmate in Episode 9. So the pink-haired guy wants to challenge fate too; he finally finds someone just like him, but it’s not meant to be. Since Momoka’s the penguin-hat princess, she wants her diary back – it probably has something to do with the future/fate etc and the pink-haired guy is enabling her for his own motives as well……….
The new ED Ash Gray Wednesday plus an earlier song Rock on Japan were both sung by Triple H, and are covers of this Jap rock band from the 70s, known as ARB. Though I think Triple H’s version is better.
The first thing that struck me during this episode was this:
Momoka is the penguin-hat princess; she died 16 years ago and met the pink-haired guy (since Himari also met him when she was btw life and death in the library). Even though the pink-haired guy thought she was the one for him, she still vaguely subconsciously remembered her first love, the future teacher Tabuki and rejected him. This ties in with the scene of the little boy and girl and the girl saying she had a soulmate in Episode 9. So the pink-haired guy wants to challenge fate too; he finally finds someone just like him, but it’s not meant to be. Since Momoka’s the penguin-hat princess, she wants her diary back – it probably has something to do with the future/fate etc and the pink-haired guy is enabling her for his own motives as well……….
The new ED Ash Gray Wednesday plus an earlier song Rock on Japan were both sung by Triple H, and are covers of this Jap rock band from the 70s, known as ARB. Though I think Triple H’s version is better.
does anyone elso think that their parents could of been framed because they didnt actually kill momoka or did she die after the bit with sanetoshi.
yuri is so momoka theres just so many facts behind the theroy
@chloe: I really like that theory!
As for this episode, I loved it! But, that might just be because I adore Sanetoshi, so being able to find out some more about him was really nice and I’m fond of the “let’s make a deal contract” and how that will work itself out in the end, especially since it had a deal with the devil mood about it.
I have no qualms with Himari coming back from the dead, but that may be because I was expecting her to come back to life since last week, so…
Anyway, the lack of Ringo, and the very complete feeling that comes from this episode concerning her arc, at least when it comes to her and her concept of “fate” and becoming Momoka, was just a plus to me. The way Ringo is right now is nice, and it was good to see her actually change as a person.
I’m looking forward to more!
I personally feel that a resurrection so soon is a bit boring but with what the “goddess” said, I’m sure things will get even worse this time around. Also glad that the brothers didn’t clash. Oh, and to think that Ringo got the most character development out of the whole ordeal. I hope she won’t be put on a bus now!
Translator notes:
As I said last week it was pretty obvious to me that was not the end of Himari. It was not that type of “death” in the narrative. I wasn’t 100% sure if she would be brought back in the very next episode…but it’s fine because Himari’s fate is an important part of the story but I think it’s more important how the brothers will ultimately deal with it. Kanba at least seems to be walking down a dangerous path.