Simoun – 17 – So Many Questions

The previous episode ended the previous arc quite wonderfully. It almost couldn’t have been better. You would expect some intermezzo, though the events immediately start again, as some very interesting facts get revealed.

The Messis-arc clearly dealt with the conflicts going on inside the Chor Tempest. By now, almost all of these seem to be solved. Only Paraietta still has her issues, Aruti also shows signs of being unhappy and shouldn’t there at least be something wrong with Yun?

In any case, this isn’t really enough material for another arc like that, so it seems that this arc will be focusing at the enemies. All of the events which happened during this episode seemed to point towards this direction as well. The Archipelago and the Highlands have formed an alliance, and more will probably follow. The Arcus Prima meanwhile is heading for the Ruins, in which the Simoun originally came from.

I’m wondering whether the enemies will be able to deliver a blast of the same caliber as Limone and Dominüra managed to do. The previous arc was just totally awesome, though it’ll be very hard for the last episodes in order to top that one. Ah well, they make a very good start with all the events which happen during this episode:

– It becomes clear that the Chor Kaputo and the Chor Riboru all have fallen at the time when the Arcus Prima was in repairs. This makes the Chor Tempest the only Chor on the Arcus Prima.
– Once at the ruins, enemy crafts come flying by, equipped with the same Helical Motores as the Simoun.
– To make it only better, these crafts are able to perform Ri Maajons.
– Paraietta, Aruti, Mamiina, Yun, Kaimu, Rödoreamon, Morinasu and Furoe chase after them.
– Aaeru’s wind machine makes sound, even though it’s closed. She decides to check out the ruins.
– There are three enemy “Simoun”. Paraietta and Kaimu chase after the first one, though Paraietta has lost her confidence, so it escapes. The other three Simoun are chasing the other two enemies. Rödoreamon is able to hit down the second, though when Morinasu chases after the third, she can’t keep up for some reason, and they retreat.
– Aaeru and Neviriru, meanwhile, discover that the Ruins lead to the Spring, with Onashia in the middle of it.
– Onashia claims that she’s everywhere and nowhere. She never mentions the enemy Simouns at all.
– Meanwhile, Yun checks out the fallen Simoun, with Mamiina following her. They’re shocked when they find out that the pilot was Angurasu, the one from episode eight. Yun suddenly gets serious, claiming that everyone’s waiting for her.
– Aaeru reveals that her grandfather knew about the fact that the spring connected to more than one place.

This episode alone raised so many questions.
– How did the enemy get their hands on a Simoun?
– What is Onashia’s role in this?
– In fact, what exactly is Onashia?
– Why did Aaeru’s wind machine make sound while closed? Why did the sound stop when they reached the ground?
– What exactly is Aaeru’s grandfather? He was a Simoun Sibylla himself. He must’ve found out something during these days.
– How did Angurasu survive her self-destruction-treatment? Twins?
– What’s Yun up to? Has she finally decided to go to the spring? Or is she planning to follow her friends, who died in combat?

Overall, this could promise to become very interesting. The enemy also really surprises me. They’re trying all sorts of different tricks and strategies, and everytime, it becomes more effective. Not because of their strategies, they remain the same. It’s because they keep improving their technologies, while the Simoun stay the same. That makes you predictable. It’s only a matter of time before they really begin to overpower the Simoun with ease. I’m wondering where the creators plan to carry this next.

Memorable Moment: Rödoreamon missing her stuffed toy, which Limone kidnapped. ^^

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