Looking for a new host

We regret to inform you that Blogsome is going to be closing down permanently. We’ve enjoyed hosting your blogs, but all good things must come to an end. After the 7th December the admin interface of your blog may no longer be accessible and the blog content may be removed. If you would like to backup your content you can do so by logging into your blog. After this choose the Manage >> Backup tabs. Here you will find three backup options. We have recently added a WXR file option, which will allow you to import your content back into the popular WordPress.com blogging site. In order to keep your images you should select a backup of the database which includes images. We are sorry about the inconvenience and wish you good luck in your future blogging endevours. So it looks like after six years of faithful service, Blogsome is shutting down. It has been a great host so far, but unfortunately I’m going to have to look for a new one. While I think of what to do next, I also turn to my readership: does anyone have any good tips on where to move to?]]>

22 thoughts on “Looking for a new host

  1. I’m using wordpress myself and am quite happy with it. It’s easy to use, to customize and to manage. Maybe you should take a look at a few different bloghosts before you decide. I’ve heard good things about blogspot as well.

  2. That was short notice! Hopefully they will allow you to redirect your traffic after Dec 7th.
    I can’t suggest a good blog site since I don’t blog. I heard that the popular blogs are WordPress and Blogger. I found this link that compares various blogs. Hopefully it will help.

  3. That truly is a pain 🙁 All your blog entries and reviews are a valuable resource for anime fans. I hope you don’t have too much trouble importing stuff into a new blog system.

  4. Oh no! Hope you have backed up all of your contents before Dec 7th (such a short notice) and I’ve already memorized your URL down to my fingertips. It’ll be a whole new experience if the URL changes 🙁

  5. Here’s another vote for WordPress. I’ve used both wordpress and blogger, and I prefer the first by far due to its clean and user-friendly admin interface.
    Whatever you end up choosing, I hope you find a satisfying host for your wonderful blog 🙂

  6. oh god! That’s so sad!
    I suggest you using wordpress too! (I’m not a blogger though)
    I’m following a lot of different type of blog, and I have to say that wordpress is the most common and it seems really great!

  7. I recommend wordpress.com if you cannot afford to pay for your own server. I think the traffic this site will be fairly expensive, and wordpress is a great blog software. I use it for Heterodoxia without any complaints.

  8. Bummer – I really enjoy this format too. I hope you can save all of your past entries (and images!) as it’s such a great reference when I’m looking for new series to watch. I hear a lot of good things about WordPress as well, but I’m just a reader, not a blogger.

  9. WordPress won the blog software war some time ago, whether you use wordpress.com or host it yourself (either option is free but the second one would need a hosting provider).

  10. sigh, this is the one thing I dislike about hosted services. although I’m sure you can recover your content, unfortunately all the links the search engines have recorded over the years will become dead.
    I may suggest something like (like others) wordpress and blogger (esp for any upcoming google+ integrations), but definitely try to find something where you can perhaps just redirect a domain name so that you wont lose traffic.

  11. Damn. I think I’m going to miss you. One of my favorite features of your blog is the lack of need for a login or password to post. I can just post whatever I like, whenever, wherever I happen to be without issues. No cookies, no spyware, etc. I hope the place you move to will still have this. Anyways, good luck, wherever you go.

  12. Get your own domain and host your own blog with some cheap web hotel like http://www.one.com/ they seem to be stable enough, and hopefully their server are good enough for the amount of visitor your blog attracts.
    It will cost you like 100 dollars a year for the domain and hosting, and if you dont want to put out that money on your own, just setup a paypal and have your visitors donate some, with how many visitors you that kind of donations wouldnt really be much of a problem.

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