Some Quick First Impressions: Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne

Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne

Short Synopsis: Our lead character has a sister who is in love with him.
Oh… the pain. Why did we have to get yet another KissXSis? There are too many things just wrong with this series. Or what? Do Japanese siblings screw each other on a regular basis or something? IS IT THAT HARD FOR THE BOTH OF THEM TO JUST FIND THEMSELVES A BOYFRIEND OR GIRLFRIEND? The worst thing is that this doesn’t even have the worst production values of the season, nor the series with the worst comedic timing or dialogue. With this execution it could at least have been a half enjoyable fanservice comedy (for fanservice comedies’ standards of course) if only the subject matter wasn’t this completely deranged, and overused. How many more retarded incest (or quasi-incest shows, in this case) shows do we still need to get before this fad dies down?!
OP: Boring J-Pop
ED: It’s gonna be a harem!?
Potential: 0%

21 thoughts on “Some Quick First Impressions: Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki Janain Dakara ne

  1. I seriously wonder why are the Japanese so obsessed with incest o_O Did we in last few years even have a season when there were 0 brocon/siscon anime?

  2. “How many more retarded incest (or quasi-incest shows, in this case) shows do we still need to get before this fad dies down?!”


    Please, kill the damn fad with fire.

  3. Yet another brocon/siscon show, it was mildly amusing in the way that brain surgery in the dark is mildly amusing. And the shocker: they are not related! Boy, I didn’t see that one coming… Don’t really feel like watching the rest of it. Anyone who is interested in incest can go watch Yosuga no Sora or Koi Kaze.

  4. Eh i thought it was funny, i stopped giving too much of a damn about context if a series is supposed to be funny and is funny so that’s my two cents there.

  5. I totally agree with you Psgels. Agreed 100%! I mean, really? First Kiss x Sis, then Yosuga no Sora, and now this…puke pile!! I’ll bet that even I can come up with a better incest story than this! And my story’s actually sensible and realistic! Heck, I’m actually surprised that the Japanese even ALLOW stuff like this to be on TV! WHY!?

  6. “Or what? Do Japanese siblings screw each other on a regular basis or something?”

    Actually. .. . .

    Incest is against the rules in all societies, but you know what they say; if it didn’t happen, there would be no need for rules against it. In Japan, the Civil Code restricts incest marriages, but incest is not a crime. Incest law was abolished in 1881. There is currently such a taboo on talking about sexual molestation of children that current official figures report only a few hundred cases.
    In the late 1980s and early 1990s there was a media panic in Japan about the prevalence of mother-son incest. Mama Love (or Kinshinsokan Monogatari) Clubs began to be opened for men eager to pay large amounts of money to see older women having sex with young men that were promoted as being their son. Women started to come in bringing their own sons or other young boys to watch. Now most of these ‘Mama’ clubs have some type of amateur night for mother/son couples.
    The situation is blamed on the excessive motherly love Japanese women shower on their sons; idolizing them and viewing their sons as the greatest object of their hopes, dreams, and love, and Japan’s obsessive exam culture.
    A boy’s whole future can depend on the senior high school he gets into. The mothers get into a psychological condition where they’re aware that sexual urges can stop their children from studying and feel that they are the best option for countering the craving. Some mothers will do anything to make sure their junior high school sons pass the all determining entrance exams. Studies show that almost 80% of Japanese men report they have had some form of sexual contact with their mothers with most of the sexual contact between mother and son beginning at a very early age. A boys childhood in contemporary Japan, although somewhat more Western than that of other Eastern nations, still includes masturbation by mothers “to put them to sleep.” Parents often have intercourse with their children in the same bed with them, and “co-sleeping,” with mothers physically embracing the child, routinely continues until the boy is ten or fifteen. One recent Japanese study found sons sleeping with their mothers over 20 percent of the time after age 16. A recent sex survey reported “hot lines” of sexual abuse saying that mother-son incest in almost a third of the calls, the mother saying to her teenage son, “It’s not good to do it alone. Your IQ becomes lower. I will help you, ” or “You cannot study if you cannot have sex. You may use my body,” or “I don’t want you to get into trouble with a girl. Have sex with me instead.”

  7. “Or what? Do Japanese siblings screw each other on a regular basis or something?”

    Well, Actually. . .

    Incest is against the rules in all societies, but you know what they say; if it didn’t happen, there would be no need for rules against it. In Japan, the Civil Code restricts incest marriages, but incest is not a crime. Incest law was abolished in 1881. There is currently such a taboo on talking about sexual molestation of children that current official figures report only a few hundred cases.
    In the late 1980s and early 1990s there was a media panic in Japan about the prevalence of mother-son incest. Mama Love (or Kinshinsokan Monogatari) Clubs began to be opened for men eager to pay large amounts of money to see older women having sex with young men that were promoted as being their son. Women started to come in bringing their own sons or other young boys to watch. Now most of these ‘Mama’ clubs have some type of amateur night for mother/son couples.
    The situation is blamed on the excessive motherly love Japanese women shower on their sons; idolizing them and viewing their sons as the greatest object of their hopes, dreams, and love, and Japan’s obsessive exam culture.
    A boy’s whole future can depend on the senior high school he gets into. The mothers get into a psychological condition where they’re aware that sexual urges can stop their children from studying and feel that they are the best option for countering the craving. Some mothers will do anything to make sure their junior high school sons pass the all determining entrance exams. Studies show that almost 80% of Japanese men report they have had some form of sexual contact with their mothers with most of the sexual contact between mother and son beginning at a very early age. A boys childhood in contemporary Japan, although somewhat more Western than that of other Eastern nations, still includes masturbation by mothers “to put them to sleep.” Parents often have intercourse with their children in the same bed with them, and “co-sleeping,” with mothers physically embracing the child, routinely continues until the boy is ten or fifteen. One recent Japanese study found sons sleeping with their mothers over 20 percent of the time after age 16. A recent sex survey reported “hot lines” of sexual abuse saying that mother-son incest in almost a third of the calls, the mother saying to her teenage son, “It’s not good to do it alone. Your IQ becomes lower. I will help you, ” or “You cannot study if you cannot have sex. You may use my body,” or “I don’t want you to get into trouble with a girl. Have sex with me instead.”

  8. Heres another Article on the subject:

    Incest is no doubt an issue all over the world, however in Japan it seems that some forms of incest have become somewhat of a “tradition”, which through the years has become something which seems perfectly normal in the eyes successive generations who have experienced first hand this phenomena. Incest links back to my group’s research topic nicely, as it is another possible root cause of problems in the Japanese family, or perhaps one resulting from a root problem.

    After having read an article on incest, it seems that Japan has had a long history of incestuous practices in court marriages. A study done in the mid 20th century found that incest was a normal and even lauded practice in some traditional rural families in Japan, often with a father marrying his daughter upon the death of the mother. It seems that the incestuous traditions dating back to the feudal era still hold sway amongst some of the rural population, despite disapproval from the community at large.

    Even in the past two decades, it has been noted that incestuous practices in the home are still very much alive. A Tokyo counselling hotline received hundreds of calls relating to incest, and found that in addition to the more widely known father-daughter incest cases, there is a surprisingly large proportion of mother-son incest cases, higher than in other countries. This has been attributed to Japanese mothers sleeping alone with their sons while their husbands are out having extramarital affairs, and leading to sexual intercourse between mother and son.

    Indeed, often the rationale for mothers to have sex with their teenage sons are varied, one being that they want to teach them the correct way to masturbate, as well as other reasons such as helping them to concentrate on their studies or discouraging them from having sex with teenage girls by offering their own bodies. By doing so, young Japanese grow up believing such behaviour to be the norm and hence are more likely to perpetuate the “tradition” with their own children.

    What lies behind this high incidence and acceptance of incestuous family relationships in Japan? It seems that history and traditions have left their mark in this aspect.

    >> Sibling incest was accepted in ancient Japan,

  9. Terrible, just terrible… I usually make it a point to watch the first episode of every new anime, just to give it a chance, like you do

    This time though I watched it for a whole 30 seconds before giving up…If at least it had good character designs, it might be watchable, but oh god, it sucks

  10. compare to other anime this season, this actually has a future of me watching some further, I don’t like the incest theme but it had a cute character design,a fresh art style and I really need to add something anime-ish to my diet cause all the other shows this far have been sucky(this included though)

  11. Thank you for the related but totally useless info from Carbuncle MIchales Jackson elliot.

    Ya know, why can’t they just make the girl next door neighbour instead the sister if they really wanted to make a pervy anime. Especially since the sister is always “not blood related” anyway.

  12. I thought it was pretty good. I don’t like “ecchi” series so I’m not going to follow it, but the writing and comedy was actually above average. I don’t understand the strong response to incest, to be honest, but I guess some people are revolted by it even when it’s fictional.

  13. The thing is it appeals to those who don’t actually HAVE sisters, and think it would somehow make any sort of difference to their lives if they had a “sexy teenage girl” in the same house in them. That’s the fantasy involved here, the idea of being so close to this idealised girl.

    Obviously these shows ignore the fact that growing up with someone will generally negate sexual feelings for them – instict will ensure this. There’s an offical term but I forget it.

  14. Y’know, many of you get totally freaked out by brother/sister couple implications but those of us without sisters just don’t have any reason to feel the aversion you feel or take offense in it as a plot device.

    As a human curiosity, most of us have some interest in whether this aspect of childhood many people have is something we’ve missed out on. Of course anime is nothing like real life but no doubt those regards are the source of these shows having popularity.

    And this was hardly as bad as your 0% potential implies. It kinda suggests your personal feelings about the topic are pretty influencial.

    Personally, I thought it was fairly entertaining but shallow. May give it another episode or two but not sure if I’ll find the time.

  15. Sorry I have to continue my negativity here too. This is trash like most everything this season. I really think this is the worst season of anime I have ever seen.

  16. It was funny in its own way. It makes no pretense about what it is doing. I can think of shows that were much worse like MM for instance.

    You could, perhaps, look at it as a mildly entertaining way to get a non-discussed problem out into the light. LOL, well that may be a bit of a stretch. 🙂

    It was pretty funny and accurate with showing all the porn the boy collected. It made me laugh.

  17. Honestly, I don’t understand the strong reaction to incest. We’ve got series parodying *rape and murder*, so why are people so hung up on incest, a much milder subject?

  18. ibg, in most cultures nowadays incest is not a mild subject, it’s right up there with rape and murder. Just look at any news articles involving incest, you will see many phrases such as “inhumane beast” and such when referring to people practicing incest.

  19. ^
    You’re missing the point. His point is, rape and murder doesn’t cause such strong reactions as incest or pseudo-incest. Which is funny, because they are just as bad.

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